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Full Version: [Ragnarok] Sult is DOWN! - vecspace!
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by vecspace!

MF1 http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201110174510230
MF2 http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201110174529871
MF3 http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201110174539738
MF4 http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201110291541523
MF5 http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201110291571358
MF6 http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201110292334266
MF7 http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201110292295833
MF8 http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201110302669176
MF9 http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201110292983609
Freyja http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201110313404133
Loki http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201110313434235
Hel http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201110313609335
PF1 http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201111182532527
PF2 http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201111182538746
PF3 http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201111182544732
Baldr http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201111182549639
Hodr http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201111182627880
Forseti http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201111182630261
Sult http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201111182633198

After a long journey (1 month 8 days) since tartarus, Ragnarok is finally cleared.
Bascially i am stuck at PF1 for 2-3 weeks and forced to train a new hero up just to clear it.
As we all know, Tartarus is equal to heimdall in Ragnarok hence i shall only post BR of battles from MF1 onwards

Heros: Lotis Amphritride Nereus Eurybia Thoosa Eris Cronus Heimdall (for freyja) Hecate (removed after cronus)
TG: G12(9) G12(2) G11(2) G12(6) G12(7)G12(1)G12(2) G8(3) ???

Mount: 6590, 5928
Armour: 2037 1877 1877 1566 1221
Cloak : same as all the post before