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Full Version: Free daily platinum wash at lv 101?
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Free daily platinum is available to VIP3+ at lv 101 Assembly.

VIP0-2 still achieve double wash and triple wash and finish 130 maps without Platinum wash.

Believe it or not, Plat wash is over rated. I uses my free plat wash daily. Nothing impressive. maybe 5x better at best?

I am VIP3 and I am not crazy about the plat wash. By itself, it wouldn't be worth VIP3 for sure. I usually get a point per 4k laurels doing doublewash with laurels. Every year or two I get a plat wash that is keepable. I would value it as being worth 10k laurels per 6 days on average, which takes me about 5 divs to get. So basically worse less than 1 extra div per day, upgrading aide from 3 to 4 is worth more for the extra div alone. The rare chance to get a bonus enhance is still a far better reason to upgrade. Getting an extra training slot and better training is a huge bonus and that can be achieved at a much lower cost.