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If i farm purple arms in HG - i hear that they auto upgrade at 100% to G12? If so, this seems the way to go for the 2 crap arms - Ele defense and Spi Defense - i will just want those 2 done, so auto success to G12 seems great?

Since i am currently stuck doing the big 4 i am not sure i can take anymore heartache with the lesser 2 arms....
Well, I personally would think this a good strategy since it seems very efficient in terms of resources (assuming you aren't a big gold-spender).
Squinters Wrote:You don't recast at 5 because it is VERY dumb and ruins that arm's potential.

"VERY dumb" ist quite a strong judgement, and farming it in purple up to level 12 is pretty much the same as recasting at 5. As to the reason WHY this would be "VERY dumb": I unfortunately don't have enough insight into the whole arms topic. Huge pain in the behind is all I know about that Confused
Just wanted to point this out in case you hadn't seen that post in the other thread.
Sorry for double-posting and somewhat hijacking the thread but this might help to decide.
Does anybody know if purple arms also gain 0.1% of strength with each fail (as it would be for red arms), possibly depending on level (below G12, G12-G20, above G20)?

If the answer is "no", it may be beneficial to keep with red as long as possible since one wouldn't get any additional bonus with purple. To have it all purple from the beginning, this would mean to sacrifice 5-10% of additional armament strength while saving around 500 divinity (assumption: 25 additional arms to upgrade red from lvl 2 to lvl 5, 5 fragments per arm, 25% drop rate when farming).

If the answer is "yes" and this doesn't change with higher armament levels (e.g. past G20), I really couldn't see any reason to not go with 12 purple arms from 0 to 12 instead of spending 2-3 times the effort for getting a lvl 2 red to lvl 5 for recasting. Or even to lvl 6 before recasting. On the road to lvl 50+ purple arms, there will still be so many fails that the few initial fails sub-G12 should be neglectible. And the saved div and gems would significantly help progress...
Thanks to Squinters for clarifying!
Squinters Wrote:"no", fortitude gain for purple is 1/4 that of red. recasting from red
to purple is direct conversion calculated based on fail-fortitude
relationship of red. Possible to lose a point after recasting only due
to rounding error by the system.

So, the "1/4 of red" is also the reason why converting already at 5 instead of 6 ist a bad idea.
(12-01-2012, 06:41 AM)Agamemnon_S13/4 Wrote: [ -> ]Asking for feedback here and a confirmation.

If i farm purple arms in HG - i hear that they auto upgrade at 100% to G12? If so, this seems the way to go for the 2 crap arms - Ele defense and Spi Defense - i will just want those 2 done, so auto success to G12 seems great?

Since i am currently stuck doing the big 4 i am not sure i can take anymore heartache with the lesser 2 arms....
Not sure Ag, what you mean by auto upgrade at 100% success, I am doing a purple arm on a friends account from scratch, its definitely not 100% success. (this is v.def arm)