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Lol the ranking here are like ranking in forum Tongue
What i dont see or understand with this ranking system is that I have passed VG3 in City of Gods but am ranked 155th whereas a player having beaten Anu is ranked way higher and as high as 48th. Seems to me that the further you go in maps the lower your ranking until you beat the map boss.
This to me is not a true reflection of your rank according to map progression and date of furthest NPC beaten
Also my level is shown as 127 whereas its 160
Maybe someone can enlighten me on the finer details of this ranking system
(02-02-2013, 05:59 PM)Rooinek Wrote: [ -> ]What i dont see or understand with this ranking system is that I have passed VG3 in City of Gods but am ranked 155th whereas a player having beaten Anu is ranked way higher and as high as 48th. Seems to me that the further you go in maps the lower your ranking until you beat the map boss.
This to me is not a true reflection of your rank according to map progression and date of furthest NPC beaten
Also my level is shown as 127 whereas its 160
Maybe someone can enlighten me on the finer details of this ranking system
lol perhaps the higher in number you rank the better. The ranking systems seems to have been pickled for quite some time. I can't imagine a query by player/date/map/npc would be that difficult to remedy unless the data types in the database are foobar. but then again who knows. Perhaps someday Batheo will get it right. The efforts here to get things right seem more likely.

The ranking are currently ordered by NPC Level... It needs to be improved... but there is no NPC order, so can't know which NPC is after which one.

Also, there is probably a bug somewhere, Marduk should be used instead of a lower level NPC for the ranking.