(02-03-2013, 05:02 PM)Praetor Wrote: [ -> ]where u say a degrade will go bk next attempt , I assume u mean within next update.
(02-03-2013, 05:02 PM)Praetor Wrote: [ -> ]Yes. If you have more fails than the maximum for that grade, the NEXT attempt to upgrade will be successful.
(02-03-2013, 05:02 PM)Praetor Wrote: [ -> ]I had a g.5 OM degrade & is still @ g.4 with combined fails of getting to 5 initially & attempts since degrade amounting to over 128, am I right to think the Fail counter resets regardless of if grade up/dwn?
no, the fail counter doesn't "reset". The game has a fort bonus it records for each arm. It doesn't track "fails" really... we can just figure it out by dividing the bonus amount by 0.1%. It seems to track the bonus amount as it accumulates.
A red arm will gain 0.1% per fail... until you hit G6 and recast.
The strength for that arm will then be:
(BASE POWER) * (1 + RED FORT + PURPLE FORT) = Total power
RED FORT = 0.001*RedFails
PURPLE FORT = 0.0025*PurpleFails
So this means:
1) So as a red arm, your max fortification bonus is 0.256 (25.6%), if you had 256 fails.
2) once the upcoming Batheo patch is implemented, the max will STILL be 0.256 fort bonus, but it may not take you 256 fails to get there since you can crit.
The system records fort% so it really doesn't matter if you get 128 crits for 0.2%, 256 regular fails for 0.1%, or 26 full crit fails for 1%... you'll always max red arms at 25.6% bonus.
The crit ability won't let you make some ridiculous 256% bonus arm... it'll just make it cheaper/quicker to get to the smae max of 25.5%.
3) The lack of degrades in the upcoming version mean its unlikely we'll see people getting 200+ fails though... up until now we needed the degrades to increase fort% before hitting G6. With the lack of degrades, the developers added this random fort-crit to compensate for the "lack" of fails. I imagine we'll still see about 10% bonus as average (which is what I see on S3 currently).
(02-04-2013, 02:23 AM)Guest Wrote: [ -> ]This new fort crit sounds awesome for those unlucky people who gets 256 fails though. A 200 fail G20 Mourn is +3600 right? But that means that if u crit x10 every single time u get 10x the fort and a total of +9000 for a G20 Mourn. Pretty boss.
Naw, the max will still be 25.6%... it'll just take less fails to get there.
The game mechanics suggest the fort % is the number recorded by the game, not the number of red fails and purple fails. Why do I say that? because it seems overly elaborate to record:
w = red fails
x = red 0.2% fails
y = red 0.5% fails
z = red 1% fails
alpha = purple fails (0.025%)
beta = purple 0.05% fails
gamma = purple 0.125% fails
delta = purple 0.25% fails
Total = (w+x+y+z)*0.001 + (a+b+g+d)*0.00025
That seems like a lot of unnecessary data when you can just record:
RedFort% = r
PurpleFort% = p
Total = r + p