Translated by Third. This versioin brings tons of new features. Most are very nice.
1. 4 new maps:
1x regular level 150 map (like all current maps consisting of npcs), beating one of the very early npcs (before the 1st recruitable) grants access to lvl 150.
3x legions maps consisting of legions (can be done by 3x player at a time).
2 for low levels (80x and 100x if i remember corretly) that grant one time drachmas and full red equipment.
1 level 150 legion map, extremely hard that yield one time gems. (probably wont be beat until we have level 160s)
2. 3 new recruitables in 150 regular map:
1st is a mage (valor+ele, similar to Isis, but with increased damage towards cavalry)
2st is a mech (valor+spirit, strike-in-column)
boss is an archer (valor+spirit, continuous crash-n-burn, finally someone to compete in damage with anubis)
3. New world:
lvl 101+ players may choose to relocate to a new world map that's stand alone to the current one.
Can only move in, can't move out to old map if u don't like it there.
vip3+ players may move in at will, vip0-vip2 plays must apply and have vip3+ player's approval to move in.
vip3 player can approve once in a lifetime, higher vips can approve more, to a maximum of 3.
New map have 34 cities, laid out in a grid, each with permanent 100k prosperity, 120-150% area price.
(it's pretty much like a massive and perpetual SMW)
3.1 New Divinities
Divs are separeted into normal divs and pvp divs. Normal divs are used to pve and pvp divs used to pvp![[Image: eek.png]](
3.2 City Defense
Add new building Wall that increase City Defense upper limit. (similar to faculty's function in SMW, 0 City Defense will result have you kicked back to base city)
City Def is gained by traded pvp divs at ratio 1:20.
Pvp will have 12 city def loss shared between attacker and defender, depending on outcome.
3.3 Tokens
New map have tokens that can be refreshed using gold (or refresh each day). Each type of token have 3 grades.
(I believe there are 5 tokens in 150 version?
Destruction token - remove enemy city defense
Construction token - adds city defense
Movement token - lowers movement CD
Buff token - increase atk/def (just like inspiration, does not work outside pvp) (totally broken sh*t!!!
Nvm, there are actually only 4 tokens![[Image: wink.png]](
3.4 Treasure Chests
The first 5 pvp each day yield treasure chests (like the ones from levy event). Extra pvps will have chance to yield treasure chests.
3.5 Warehouse
New building warehouse, it's like a stock market where u trade various materials with the system. Buy low sell high to make drachs.
3.6 Weak Faction buffs (cities does not count base city)
cities owned/atk.def.bonus
4. Changes to enhancing
PGs are fixed between 95%-100% and change once every day.
Players may select Nobilities (Basileus/Ephor/Elder/Noble) to decrease enhancement cost, may use each nobility once per day. (I believe it's 5/4/3/2% decrease)
Enhance CD removed.
5. Elite and Legion quota are removed, may farm them indefinitely.
every day 20:00-23:00 legions yield 20% extra laurels
Red equipments(not armaments) drop rate is increased. (all others stay same)
6. Refine Changes:
Can no longer form groups, each person gets a list of 10 random people from same faction, and pick 2 of those 10 people to refine with. (you no longer get drach/exp if it's not your refine) (say A picks C and B to refine, only A gets anything out of it)
List is randomized after every refine.
The highest level refine avaliable will the the highst out of yourself and the 2 person u pick to ref with. (say A(lvl 20), picks B(lvl 10) and C(lvl 50) to refine, A may use lvl 50 refines)
(Totally ****s over high lvl players, but better for low lvl i guess
7. Trader changes:
Players now get traders from System instead of each other. Number of trades each day is increased from 4 to 12. Each time system gives out 3 random traders and you may pick 1 to add to trader list, and system randomize after each time.
Gaining specific(unknown and random) trader combination will trigger event to yield high level of drachs/gems.
there are grade 1, 2, and 3 events. The first one to trigger each event will be rewarded with an extreme large sum of drachs/gems and the event will be announced in world chat.
8. Wash attribute saves:
the best washes may be saved for free and can be restored to previous saves at any time.
9. New city icons:
New city icons (upper left and area view) are available to vip players, free of charge![[Image: rolleyes.png]](
10. Changed to Armaments:
increased success rate to all arm upgrades (pretty much not noticeable
decreased gems cost to arm upgrades (by about 5 gems?!?!?
Something new, let's call it an Fortitude Gauge is introduced, each time you fail an arm upgrade, Fort Gauge goes up and increase the base stat by a few points. (e.g. Upgrade failed, fort gauge increased, valour hit 300->301)
Basically it's made to make u feel better (or worse
After reaching a (unknown, never official annouced) limit on fort gauge, the next upgrade is guaranteed to succeed. (Trust me, u don't want to go there, what ever the limit is, people have fails 200+ times to get g6 arms)
All upgraded arms previous to update will gain some forte gauge as compensation.
11. Dungeon changes:
Fimbul Winter, KoD, HoS will have have move chests for reward.
( i believe it's gonna be 14 in FW, 16 KoD, 18 HoS? not positive on that)
Increased laurels gain from chests (basicly currently 500 laurels will equate to about 2k laurels, slightly better)
12. Commission changes:
High tier merchants have better chance to appear.
Items chances unchanged
13. Training changes:
New aide function to auto renaissance.
Decreased training and trainer costs.
14. Increased Sult, Anubis, Nut, and the 2 recruitable in Olympia's drop rate.
15. Valk legions decrease to 8 npcs, Chilly mountain and Lost temple legions decreased to 6 npcs.
16. Skuld's difficulty decreased, Valk's Rage map difficulty decreased.
17. Can launch farm battle anytime all day long (battle starts in 1 hour?) (This basically ****s everything up)
18. The vip gauge that decrease everyday you don't charge gold is removed, vip level is recalculated based on your total accumulated purchase.
19. Isis and Nut improved.
20. Tech upgrade CD removed.
21. Prestige higher than 700k will lose 3% per day.
1. 4 new maps:
1x regular level 150 map (like all current maps consisting of npcs), beating one of the very early npcs (before the 1st recruitable) grants access to lvl 150.
3x legions maps consisting of legions (can be done by 3x player at a time).
2 for low levels (80x and 100x if i remember corretly) that grant one time drachmas and full red equipment.
1 level 150 legion map, extremely hard that yield one time gems. (probably wont be beat until we have level 160s)
2. 3 new recruitables in 150 regular map:
1st is a mage (valor+ele, similar to Isis, but with increased damage towards cavalry)
2st is a mech (valor+spirit, strike-in-column)
boss is an archer (valor+spirit, continuous crash-n-burn, finally someone to compete in damage with anubis)
3. New world:
lvl 101+ players may choose to relocate to a new world map that's stand alone to the current one.
Can only move in, can't move out to old map if u don't like it there.
vip3+ players may move in at will, vip0-vip2 plays must apply and have vip3+ player's approval to move in.
vip3 player can approve once in a lifetime, higher vips can approve more, to a maximum of 3.
New map have 34 cities, laid out in a grid, each with permanent 100k prosperity, 120-150% area price.
(it's pretty much like a massive and perpetual SMW)
3.1 New Divinities
Divs are separeted into normal divs and pvp divs. Normal divs are used to pve and pvp divs used to pvp
![[Image: eek.png]](
3.2 City Defense
Add new building Wall that increase City Defense upper limit. (similar to faculty's function in SMW, 0 City Defense will result have you kicked back to base city)
City Def is gained by traded pvp divs at ratio 1:20.
Pvp will have 12 city def loss shared between attacker and defender, depending on outcome.
3.3 Tokens
New map have tokens that can be refreshed using gold (or refresh each day). Each type of token have 3 grades.
(I believe there are 5 tokens in 150 version?
![[Image: confused.png]](
Destruction token - remove enemy city defense
Construction token - adds city defense
Movement token - lowers movement CD
Buff token - increase atk/def (just like inspiration, does not work outside pvp) (totally broken sh*t!!!
![[Image: mad.png]](
Nvm, there are actually only 4 tokens
![[Image: wink.png]](
3.4 Treasure Chests
The first 5 pvp each day yield treasure chests (like the ones from levy event). Extra pvps will have chance to yield treasure chests.
3.5 Warehouse
New building warehouse, it's like a stock market where u trade various materials with the system. Buy low sell high to make drachs.
3.6 Weak Faction buffs (cities does not count base city)
cities owned/atk.def.bonus
4. Changes to enhancing
PGs are fixed between 95%-100% and change once every day.
Players may select Nobilities (Basileus/Ephor/Elder/Noble) to decrease enhancement cost, may use each nobility once per day. (I believe it's 5/4/3/2% decrease)
Enhance CD removed.
5. Elite and Legion quota are removed, may farm them indefinitely.
every day 20:00-23:00 legions yield 20% extra laurels
Red equipments(not armaments) drop rate is increased. (all others stay same)
6. Refine Changes:
Can no longer form groups, each person gets a list of 10 random people from same faction, and pick 2 of those 10 people to refine with. (you no longer get drach/exp if it's not your refine) (say A picks C and B to refine, only A gets anything out of it)
List is randomized after every refine.
The highest level refine avaliable will the the highst out of yourself and the 2 person u pick to ref with. (say A(lvl 20), picks B(lvl 10) and C(lvl 50) to refine, A may use lvl 50 refines)
(Totally ****s over high lvl players, but better for low lvl i guess
![[Image: frown.png]](
7. Trader changes:
Players now get traders from System instead of each other. Number of trades each day is increased from 4 to 12. Each time system gives out 3 random traders and you may pick 1 to add to trader list, and system randomize after each time.
Gaining specific(unknown and random) trader combination will trigger event to yield high level of drachs/gems.
there are grade 1, 2, and 3 events. The first one to trigger each event will be rewarded with an extreme large sum of drachs/gems and the event will be announced in world chat.
8. Wash attribute saves:
the best washes may be saved for free and can be restored to previous saves at any time.
9. New city icons:
New city icons (upper left and area view) are available to vip players, free of charge
![[Image: rolleyes.png]](
10. Changed to Armaments:
increased success rate to all arm upgrades (pretty much not noticeable
![[Image: mad.png]](
decreased gems cost to arm upgrades (by about 5 gems?!?!?
![[Image: mad.png]](
Something new, let's call it an Fortitude Gauge is introduced, each time you fail an arm upgrade, Fort Gauge goes up and increase the base stat by a few points. (e.g. Upgrade failed, fort gauge increased, valour hit 300->301)
Basically it's made to make u feel better (or worse
![[Image: confused.png]](
After reaching a (unknown, never official annouced) limit on fort gauge, the next upgrade is guaranteed to succeed. (Trust me, u don't want to go there, what ever the limit is, people have fails 200+ times to get g6 arms)
All upgraded arms previous to update will gain some forte gauge as compensation.
11. Dungeon changes:
Fimbul Winter, KoD, HoS will have have move chests for reward.
![[Image: biggrin.png]](
Increased laurels gain from chests (basicly currently 500 laurels will equate to about 2k laurels, slightly better)
12. Commission changes:
High tier merchants have better chance to appear.
Items chances unchanged
13. Training changes:
New aide function to auto renaissance.
Decreased training and trainer costs.
14. Increased Sult, Anubis, Nut, and the 2 recruitable in Olympia's drop rate.
15. Valk legions decrease to 8 npcs, Chilly mountain and Lost temple legions decreased to 6 npcs.
16. Skuld's difficulty decreased, Valk's Rage map difficulty decreased.
17. Can launch farm battle anytime all day long (battle starts in 1 hour?) (This basically ****s everything up)
18. The vip gauge that decrease everyday you don't charge gold is removed, vip level is recalculated based on your total accumulated purchase.
19. Isis and Nut improved.
20. Tech upgrade CD removed.
21. Prestige higher than 700k will lose 3% per day.