(Full Zeusian Guide) – From Trial to Temple! by Inevitable
1) Introduction
My attempt to guide anyone to Lost Temple Map. some things may be more detailed
than other things, as the thread is going to be huge already as it is, I am
open for any questions or things that are unclear in the guide.
Furthermore, I'd like to state that i'm not saying this is the best way to do
this! Its merely how I progressed through this game, and a collection of what
other players have posted here and there about zeusians, all stuffed into one
guide for your reading pleasure. You don't have to follow this thread to get to
Lost Temple, I'm sure there are many other ways. With that being said, lets
head to the start of this guide:
As the title suggests, this is a guide written for anyone who wants to progress
in a fast (and efficient if I say so myself) way through every expedition map
as a Zeusian. I’m going to assume you know the basics of the game. Before you
decide to follow this path there may be some advantages and disadvantages of
going this route.
- Access to higher levels, new buildings, which results in faster training and
more drachmas to work with.
- Access to new and stronger heroes, as well as better equipment.
- Lower enhanced equipment needed due to Zeus boosting morale for all heroes,
resulting in higher damage output
- Little focus on cloaks for the majority of the game, this may result in
losing some player vs player (PvP) battles.
- Less laurels at your disposal when you constantly level up
It’s hard to give step by step instructions, you have to figure out a lot
yourself for the most part. I can however show what the requirements for
certain maps are and use BRs as examples.
2) Hero selection
Here are the heroes
that you should end up using throughout all the maps:
Trial of Perseus:
Atelante + bellerophon
Defence of Athens + beasts of the wilderniss:
Atelante + Bellerophon + Odysseus
Jack and the beanstalk + Dispute of the golden Apple + Heath Aflame:
Atelante + Odysseus + Artemis + Asclepius
Roaring Sea:
Atelante + Hecate + Eris + Artemis + Asclepius
Falling Earth + Burning Sky:
Maia + Hecate + Eris + Artemis + Asclepius
Endless Underworld Rivers + House of Hades + faction maps:
Maia + Hecate + Eris + Hebe + Artemis (Asclepius back up)
Maia + Hebe + Eris + Notus + Zeus + (Artemis) (Asclepius back up)
Ragnarok + Beyond the Desert + Valkyries Rage
Maia + Hebe/Eris + Cronus + Notus + Zeus + Hera (Asclepius back up)
Chilly Mountain + Lost Temple:
Sult + Hebe/Eris + Cronus + Notus + Zeus + Hera (Asclepius back up) (+
Total: 15 heroes trained.
3) Trial of perseus to Faction Maps
This is only a brief summary sadly, as I lack time to write everything in
if you have question: Ask me! or someone else with the knowledge [img]file:///C:/Users/Wei/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.png[/img]
Trial of Perseus:
Use atelante and bellerophon, upgrade the bronze sword and pigskin armor to
G1/9, its simple really.
Trojan War:
Level up assembly to lvl 10, recruit odysseus. Start on your techs and upgrade
lochoi formation to lvl 2 for Persephone. Map Reward is an Endless regret lvl
12 blue weapon. This will be the weapon for odysseus for the next 2 maps.
Defense of Athens + Beasts in the Wilderniss:
Level up assembly and techs to lvl 12, give odysseus the endless regret, from
there you could finish defence of Athens at level 12, if you are struggling
move up to lvl 15 as you will need that level for beast of the wilderniss map.
Heracles from Defense of Athens is easy at lvl 15. Asclepius might be slightly
harder due to the stun mage, just try a couple of times to push your luck.
Jack and the Beanstalk + Labyrinth of Crete:
The map reward from Defense of Athens is a blue mount, this will be Atelante’s
temporary weapon until you obtain the map reward cychreides from Heath Aflame.
Assembly will be further enhanced to lvl 25-30 for jack and the beanstalk.
Heath Aflame + Dispute of the golden Apple:
Assembly will go up to about lvl 40-42. Heath Aflame will give you the yellow
mount cychreides which will be your most important equipment for quite a while.
Roaring Sea:
Further upgrade assembly to lvl 50 so you can deploy the 5th hero. Needless to
say your prestige should be around/over 15k prestige by now.
Falling Earth:
This is where you should recruit Maia, so make sure you have 50k prestige when
you hit this map. Obviously atelante would have last longer, but Maia can
easily take you from Falling Earth to Valkyries Rage. You may want to consider
slowly commission for a red mount when you hit this map. I personally obtained
my red mount at Endless Underworld Rivers. at House of Hades you definitely
want a red mount, because it saves drachmas and time if you don’t further
invest in the yellow mount.
Burning Sky:
Assembly to lvl 60, you can start farming laurels more here to actually wash
your heroes properly at AL2. Get your techs to lvl 60 and get washes around
+70-80 for your BM and 50-60 for buglers + dancer (higher is better).
Endless Underworld Rivers:
Assembly will go even higher to around lvl 80, (so make sure you have farmed
enough laurels from AL2, as you will skip the legion on this map most likely!)
Mount will be around +2800 to +3000… preferably red mount by now.
House of Hades:
Assembly to lvl 87, Mount to +3500, heroes with ren levels at 80 or aboveand
you should be in good shape for this map. Armors don’t have to be high here,
600 valor should be good enough.
Athena's Wisdom + Poseidon's Roar:
This is where you will be needing that red mount, as it will be maxed to
assembly level (lvl 100 by now). Before you do that, make sure you farmed
enough laurels from HL2, Maia should be +100 in spirit wash by now.
Mount: around 6k
Armors: around 1300-1400
Cloaks: 1000 will do
5) Ragnarok
After Defeating
Cronus, there are four things to do.
1. Try to recruit Cronus as soon as possible, he's the best Bugler with
80/70/110 stats
2. Raise Assembly to 110, it'll unlock the 3rd training ground.
3. Farm Lv 80 Ares’ Armor.
4. Get 2nd red horse if you didn’t already have it.
Ragnarok is a fairly hard map due to the many mages that you will face. Main
force 4 can easily slow you down a month as it has 2 meteorite mages and 1
burning golden bull, making it hard for maia to deal solid damage, you may need
hera here already.
Work on your third training ground and the lvl 110 techs, meanwhile Renascence
all your heroes once again. Have their Ren levels between 105-111 and you
should be in good shape. There is no real rush on this map, Heimdall is worth
recruiting, but not used until much later. Sult is useful but you will have to
farm lvl 85 Mjöllnir first. Hel is not worth the extra training slot. For Sult,
try to have at least 2 good red cloaks around 2300 spirit shield. Other cloaks
may still be yellow, if you cannot find the drachmas to commission for more
Rank: M45 to complete the map
Pegasus (G11)10 +6590 Spirit +30(Max.)
Chimera (G10)10 +5985
Ares Armor (G9)3 +1953 Valor +26
Immortal Fame (G7)9 +1319
Hero's Pride (G7)9 +1319
Caged Desire (G7)4 +1011
Caged Desire (G5)7 +756
Seal Of Soul (G6)8 +2364
Seal Of Soul (G4)3 +1414
Seal Of Soul (G3)8 +1224
Violet Gold Kasaya (G6)7 +2386 Spirit +30(Max.)
Violet Gold Kasaya (G4)9 +1702
Laevateinn (G2)1 +418
Contralto Nymph (G3)7 +750
Contralto Nymph (G2)8 +570
Greetings at Doorsteps (G2)7 +530
Sult - http://eub1.clapalong.com/?fid=N201110083820092
6) Beyond the Desert
For Beyond the Desert
you start unlocking the armaments. These are just the white ones which cannot
be upgraded, but they are enough to get you through the Lost Temple map, so you
can farm these and forget about the blue, green and yellow ones if you like.
While doing this map you can slowly start recruiting heimdall and sult, once
you unlock them start training/washing them slowly, remember that you won’t use
them until much later, so focus on your main heroes. If you have 5 Ares Armor
you can start farming a Mjollnir from Forseti.
Beyond the Desert can be finished really fast if you have Hera fully trained.
You could complete it in less than 2 weeks if you solely focus on enhancing
your highest armor once you have beaten Ragnarok map. Khnum and Sekhmet are
likely the worst npc’s you will face. Khnum can be taken care of without too
much when using Hera. Sekhmet requires a bit of luck to pull off as your Zeus
needs to block 2 turns in a row. You can either spam some divs or wait until
you get stronger.
Rank: M44 to complete the map
Pegasus (G11)10 +6590 Spirit +30(Max.)
Chimera (G10)10 +5985
Ares Armor (G11)5 +2415 Valor +23
Immortal Fame (G7)9 +1319
Hero's Pride (G7)9 +1319
Caged Desire (G7)4 +1011
Caged Desire (G5)7 +756
Seal Of Soul (G6)8 +2364
Seal Of Soul (G4)3 +1414
Seal Of Soul (G3)8 +1224
Violet Gold Kasaya (G6)7 +2386 Spirit +30(Max.)
Violet Gold Kasaya (G4)9 +1702
Laevateinn (G2)1 +418
Swirling (G4)9 +1086
Contralto Nymph (G3)7 +750
Contralto Nymph (G2)8 +570
Greetings at Doorsteps (G2)7 +530
Khnum - http://eub1.clapalong.com/?fid=N201110135482859
Sekhmet - http://eub1.clapalong.com/?fid=N201110145714828
Edjo - http://eub1.clapalong.com/?fid=N201110194846589
1) Introduction
My attempt to guide anyone to Lost Temple Map. some things may be more detailed
than other things, as the thread is going to be huge already as it is, I am
open for any questions or things that are unclear in the guide.
Furthermore, I'd like to state that i'm not saying this is the best way to do
this! Its merely how I progressed through this game, and a collection of what
other players have posted here and there about zeusians, all stuffed into one
guide for your reading pleasure. You don't have to follow this thread to get to
Lost Temple, I'm sure there are many other ways. With that being said, lets
head to the start of this guide:
As the title suggests, this is a guide written for anyone who wants to progress
in a fast (and efficient if I say so myself) way through every expedition map
as a Zeusian. I’m going to assume you know the basics of the game. Before you
decide to follow this path there may be some advantages and disadvantages of
going this route.
- Access to higher levels, new buildings, which results in faster training and
more drachmas to work with.
- Access to new and stronger heroes, as well as better equipment.
- Lower enhanced equipment needed due to Zeus boosting morale for all heroes,
resulting in higher damage output
- Little focus on cloaks for the majority of the game, this may result in
losing some player vs player (PvP) battles.
- Less laurels at your disposal when you constantly level up
It’s hard to give step by step instructions, you have to figure out a lot
yourself for the most part. I can however show what the requirements for
certain maps are and use BRs as examples.
2) Hero selection
Here are the heroes
that you should end up using throughout all the maps:
Trial of Perseus:
Atelante + bellerophon
Defence of Athens + beasts of the wilderniss:
Atelante + Bellerophon + Odysseus
Jack and the beanstalk + Dispute of the golden Apple + Heath Aflame:
Atelante + Odysseus + Artemis + Asclepius
Roaring Sea:
Atelante + Hecate + Eris + Artemis + Asclepius
Falling Earth + Burning Sky:
Maia + Hecate + Eris + Artemis + Asclepius
Endless Underworld Rivers + House of Hades + faction maps:
Maia + Hecate + Eris + Hebe + Artemis (Asclepius back up)
Maia + Hebe + Eris + Notus + Zeus + (Artemis) (Asclepius back up)
Ragnarok + Beyond the Desert + Valkyries Rage
Maia + Hebe/Eris + Cronus + Notus + Zeus + Hera (Asclepius back up)
Chilly Mountain + Lost Temple:
Sult + Hebe/Eris + Cronus + Notus + Zeus + Hera (Asclepius back up) (+
Total: 15 heroes trained.
3) Trial of perseus to Faction Maps
This is only a brief summary sadly, as I lack time to write everything in

Trial of Perseus:
Use atelante and bellerophon, upgrade the bronze sword and pigskin armor to
G1/9, its simple really.
Trojan War:
Level up assembly to lvl 10, recruit odysseus. Start on your techs and upgrade
lochoi formation to lvl 2 for Persephone. Map Reward is an Endless regret lvl
12 blue weapon. This will be the weapon for odysseus for the next 2 maps.
Defense of Athens + Beasts in the Wilderniss:
Level up assembly and techs to lvl 12, give odysseus the endless regret, from
there you could finish defence of Athens at level 12, if you are struggling
move up to lvl 15 as you will need that level for beast of the wilderniss map.
Heracles from Defense of Athens is easy at lvl 15. Asclepius might be slightly
harder due to the stun mage, just try a couple of times to push your luck.
Jack and the Beanstalk + Labyrinth of Crete:
The map reward from Defense of Athens is a blue mount, this will be Atelante’s
temporary weapon until you obtain the map reward cychreides from Heath Aflame.
Assembly will be further enhanced to lvl 25-30 for jack and the beanstalk.
Heath Aflame + Dispute of the golden Apple:
Assembly will go up to about lvl 40-42. Heath Aflame will give you the yellow
mount cychreides which will be your most important equipment for quite a while.
Roaring Sea:
Further upgrade assembly to lvl 50 so you can deploy the 5th hero. Needless to
say your prestige should be around/over 15k prestige by now.
Falling Earth:
This is where you should recruit Maia, so make sure you have 50k prestige when
you hit this map. Obviously atelante would have last longer, but Maia can
easily take you from Falling Earth to Valkyries Rage. You may want to consider
slowly commission for a red mount when you hit this map. I personally obtained
my red mount at Endless Underworld Rivers. at House of Hades you definitely
want a red mount, because it saves drachmas and time if you don’t further
invest in the yellow mount.
Burning Sky:
Assembly to lvl 60, you can start farming laurels more here to actually wash
your heroes properly at AL2. Get your techs to lvl 60 and get washes around
+70-80 for your BM and 50-60 for buglers + dancer (higher is better).
Endless Underworld Rivers:
Assembly will go even higher to around lvl 80, (so make sure you have farmed
enough laurels from AL2, as you will skip the legion on this map most likely!)
Mount will be around +2800 to +3000… preferably red mount by now.
House of Hades:
Assembly to lvl 87, Mount to +3500, heroes with ren levels at 80 or aboveand
you should be in good shape for this map. Armors don’t have to be high here,
600 valor should be good enough.
Athena's Wisdom + Poseidon's Roar:
This is where you will be needing that red mount, as it will be maxed to
assembly level (lvl 100 by now). Before you do that, make sure you farmed
enough laurels from HL2, Maia should be +100 in spirit wash by now.
Mount: around 6k
Armors: around 1300-1400
Cloaks: 1000 will do
5) Ragnarok
After Defeating
Cronus, there are four things to do.
1. Try to recruit Cronus as soon as possible, he's the best Bugler with
80/70/110 stats
2. Raise Assembly to 110, it'll unlock the 3rd training ground.
3. Farm Lv 80 Ares’ Armor.
4. Get 2nd red horse if you didn’t already have it.
Ragnarok is a fairly hard map due to the many mages that you will face. Main
force 4 can easily slow you down a month as it has 2 meteorite mages and 1
burning golden bull, making it hard for maia to deal solid damage, you may need
hera here already.
Work on your third training ground and the lvl 110 techs, meanwhile Renascence
all your heroes once again. Have their Ren levels between 105-111 and you
should be in good shape. There is no real rush on this map, Heimdall is worth
recruiting, but not used until much later. Sult is useful but you will have to
farm lvl 85 Mjöllnir first. Hel is not worth the extra training slot. For Sult,
try to have at least 2 good red cloaks around 2300 spirit shield. Other cloaks
may still be yellow, if you cannot find the drachmas to commission for more
Rank: M45 to complete the map
Pegasus (G11)10 +6590 Spirit +30(Max.)
Chimera (G10)10 +5985
Ares Armor (G9)3 +1953 Valor +26
Immortal Fame (G7)9 +1319
Hero's Pride (G7)9 +1319
Caged Desire (G7)4 +1011
Caged Desire (G5)7 +756
Seal Of Soul (G6)8 +2364
Seal Of Soul (G4)3 +1414
Seal Of Soul (G3)8 +1224
Violet Gold Kasaya (G6)7 +2386 Spirit +30(Max.)
Violet Gold Kasaya (G4)9 +1702
Laevateinn (G2)1 +418
Contralto Nymph (G3)7 +750
Contralto Nymph (G2)8 +570
Greetings at Doorsteps (G2)7 +530
Sult - http://eub1.clapalong.com/?fid=N201110083820092
6) Beyond the Desert
For Beyond the Desert
you start unlocking the armaments. These are just the white ones which cannot
be upgraded, but they are enough to get you through the Lost Temple map, so you
can farm these and forget about the blue, green and yellow ones if you like.
While doing this map you can slowly start recruiting heimdall and sult, once
you unlock them start training/washing them slowly, remember that you won’t use
them until much later, so focus on your main heroes. If you have 5 Ares Armor
you can start farming a Mjollnir from Forseti.
Beyond the Desert can be finished really fast if you have Hera fully trained.
You could complete it in less than 2 weeks if you solely focus on enhancing
your highest armor once you have beaten Ragnarok map. Khnum and Sekhmet are
likely the worst npc’s you will face. Khnum can be taken care of without too
much when using Hera. Sekhmet requires a bit of luck to pull off as your Zeus
needs to block 2 turns in a row. You can either spam some divs or wait until
you get stronger.
Rank: M44 to complete the map
Pegasus (G11)10 +6590 Spirit +30(Max.)
Chimera (G10)10 +5985
Ares Armor (G11)5 +2415 Valor +23
Immortal Fame (G7)9 +1319
Hero's Pride (G7)9 +1319
Caged Desire (G7)4 +1011
Caged Desire (G5)7 +756
Seal Of Soul (G6)8 +2364
Seal Of Soul (G4)3 +1414
Seal Of Soul (G3)8 +1224
Violet Gold Kasaya (G6)7 +2386 Spirit +30(Max.)
Violet Gold Kasaya (G4)9 +1702
Laevateinn (G2)1 +418
Swirling (G4)9 +1086
Contralto Nymph (G3)7 +750
Contralto Nymph (G2)8 +570
Greetings at Doorsteps (G2)7 +530
Khnum - http://eub1.clapalong.com/?fid=N201110135482859
Sekhmet - http://eub1.clapalong.com/?fid=N201110145714828
Edjo - http://eub1.clapalong.com/?fid=N201110194846589