09-08-2014, 11:23 PM
(07-30-2013, 05:03 AM)jesfred Wrote: yes at 160 was 40 at 170 was 45 and at 180 was 50.Hmmm.. I'm not sure if it was patched to change those limits, or if this was just bad info. Here's the current limits in Batheo 7300 (lv210 heros max)
Lv160 = G40
Lv165 = G45
Lv175 = G50
Lv180 = G52
Lv182 = G54
Lv184 = G56
Lv186 = G58
Lv190 = G60
etc.... Assembly limit goes up by 2 levels per unlock, and the arms do as well.... up to lv210 (which we assume is a max grade of G82).
Later patches of Three Kingdoms (the chinese version) is supposed to lift the limits completely, so you see low-level lv180s with massive arms fighting lv196 NPCs

The max for purple arms is in those future patches is G110, at which point you can "recast" it to a G1 super arm of sorts (recasting will increase the power I'm told). To upgrade super arms, you need a complete OTHER super-arm as well.. meaning yet ANOTHER G110 to recast and combine with your original G1 to make a G2 (with 100% success rate). These super arms are very very powerful.
so yeah... max arms limits can really slow you down, but in the future they're lifted and arm farming continues to be a massive part of the game.