02-12-2012, 01:24 AM
FYI, there is now a Auto-Wash option for lv4 Aide.
The Auto-promotion option is now gone.
The Autowash is easy to set up.
1) click Auto-Wash
2) click (select) the hero you wish to wash.
3) select the gold or laurels button.
4) set the minimum laurles/gold you want to retain (ie. you can pick 0 or set it to whatever you want to save for something else.
5) CHECK THE BOX next to the stats you want to wash. You must pick at least 1 box, but can select up to all 3 (if you want to triple wash).
6) select the max stat you want for that hero... when they get to this stat or higher the auto-wash will stop. To make this a max stat, just enter 999 and the aide will adjust it to the max possible (base stat+20+hero level).
you can sit and watch the aide do the washes, or wlak away and check it in the Aide's DETAILS box later.