Battle Reports
头昏脑胀 (20)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
ewokspy (20)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
voodoo (20)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
David1 (20)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
BrunoFG (20)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
RedWood (20)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
DavidSPFC (20)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
落红 (20)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
青衫 (20)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
孤伤狐残 (20)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
Prysia (20)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
Lasken (20)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
Notarius (20)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
Kaiser (20)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
临风 (20)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
Affenkopp (20)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
มะหน่อยII (20)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
Raugupatis (20)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
Sunson (20)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
MS (20)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
Aegyen (19)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
Blink (19)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
Mozz (19)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
SteveForge (19)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
GBH (19)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
Tripoli (19)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
有个戈壁叫草泥马戈壁 (19)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
Ikke (19)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
ermao (19)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
zerg (18)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
Taibr (18)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
rob84 (17)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
Quasar (17)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
Death123 (16)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
โจรจู๋ (16)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
白发混混 (16)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
T0nY (16)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
ZhouYu (16)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
义&112200 (15)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
双茂皮革 (13)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
Dawkins (13)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
建号游服 (13)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
Rooinek (12)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
Ronce (12)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
悲哀 (12)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
pakman64 (12)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
bluelove (12)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
关小刀 (11)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
Milnors (11)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
凶手 (11)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
AndySan (10)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
GBH69 (10)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
Erased (10)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
rr12 (10)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
Naruto16 (9)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
麟メ天龙斩 (9)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
古古 (9)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
Trunold (8)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
丰share (8)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
滴水VS项羽 (8)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
O平平安安O (8)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
SparrowZA (8)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
金戈铁马 (8)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
罗纳尔多 (8)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
肉总 (8)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
夺命书生3 (8)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
CA超人无双 (8)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
小兵也疯狂 (7)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
小小忍者 (7)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
━═☆豪☆═━ (7)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
CHINA太子 (7)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
戒情专科 (7)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
天天 (7)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
阿契 (6)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
阿凡鹰 (6)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
544 (6)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
没睡醒 (6)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
风花血雾 (6)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
南宫天明 (6)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
godon (6)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
天国傲腿 (6)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
罗罗洛亚卓洛 (6)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
莫轻愁 (5)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
风公子 (5)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
潜龙勿用 (5)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
了解 (5)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
Tennengau (5)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
沉默—蝶恋花 (5)
Lv 180: Vast Wetland
Browser Based MMORPGs Strategy Based MMORPG FREE to play Perfect World International is a free-to-play fantasy MMORPG from Perfect World Entertainment set in the land of Pangu. The game features a variety of classes and races, competitive 80v80 faction battles, and an abundances of end-game content. FEATURES Five Unique Races | Choose from Perfect World International's Earthguard, Winged Elf, Human, Tideborn, and Untamed races. Ten Distinct Classes | Pick from the Archer, Assassin, Barbarian, Blademaster, Cleric, Mystic, Psychic, Seeker, Venomancer, and Wizard classes. Crafting and Imbuing Systems | Craft items and gear with the Apothecary, Blacksmith, Armorsmith, and Craftsman professions, and Imbue your socketed items with magical gems to give them powerful bonuses. Recruit Different Kinds of Pets | Tame and train pets that can be decorative, combat-ready, or those that can serve as mounts. PvP and Territory Wars | Engage in PvP and Territory Wars, epic weekly 80v80 faction battles to vie for control over different regions in the game. Abundant End-Game Content | Tons of stuff for high-level players to do, including daily six-person dungeons, weekly 100-person faction dungeons, and a massive level 95+ map to adventure in. Latest Screenshots Perfect World International More Perfect World International Screenshots... Latest Features Catching Up with PWI Interviews created on 7/3/12 Perfect World International is the flagship MMO from Perfect World Entertainment. It's been around awhile but that doesn't mean the dev team isn't working constantly to keep the game fresh and interesting. We caught up with Product Manager Tony Liu... Exclusive Video: The Girls of PWI Media created on 4/21/11 In celebration of Easter, Perfect World International devs have created a special video postcard featuring the models of PWI, its flagship MMO. Rising Tide Interview Interviews created on 1/5/10 Jon Wood recently spoke with Perfect World International's Product Manager Jon Belliss about the upcoming expansion for the F2P game. Rising Tide's New Classes Dev Journals created on 12/15/09 The team from Perfect World International has provided us with this developer journal detailing the new race and two new classes available in the game's upcoming third expansion. More Perfect World International Features... Recent Forum Activity The truth about PWI (pros and cons without raging). 7/5/12 @ 3:37AM by bpgisme in General Discussion PMB issues... 3/22/12 @ 5:49AM by Luminatti in General Discussion Descent: A Good Improvement for PvE 2/25/12 @ 7:52AM by joosii in General Discussion Pk 12/5/11 @ 2:29PM by Tanxiuqoing in General Discussion PWI Money theft 10/28/11 @ 5:43PM by Ellisstar in General Discussion Reason(s) Why the Game is Broken 10/24/11 @ 1:45AM by joosii in General Discussion I Dont Recommend This Game 9/7/11 @ 8:38AM by manny702 in General Discussion Genesis expansion was the death of this game 9/7/11 @ 8:29AM by manny702 in General Discussion Whats the largest scaled Instanced PvP games in Perfect World? 7/8/11 @ 4:59PM by lPeterPan in General Discussion PWI buys Cryptic 5/31/11 @ 2:36PM by Mondo80 in General Discussion 2112 Sci-Fi Emobi Gam.. 4Story Fantasy Zemi Inte.. 8BitMMO Fantasy Archive E.. 9Dragons Historical Zerodin G.. 9mm Online Real Life Beehive A Mystical LanFantasy Mad Otter.. 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Myth Angels Online Fantasy USERJOY T.. Myth Wa2 Fantasy UNIGIUM Myth WaOnline Fantasy UNIGIUM Mytheon Fantasy Petroglyp.. Mythos Fantasy HanbitSof.. N.E.O Online Fantasy SONOV Nadirim Fantasy Twisted T.. Naviage: The Poweof Capi.. Historical Yeepgame Navy FielHistorical SD Entern.. Need foSpeed WorlReal Life EA Vancou.. Nemexia Sci-Fi XS Softwa.. NeocrSci-Fi Reakkto NeverwinteFantasy Cryptic S.. Nexus: The Kingdoms Of The.. Fantasy Nexon Ninja Trick Fantasy CybeAge.. Nostale Fantasy Entwell C.. Oberin Fantasy Crescent .. Ogre IslanFantasy Ogre Isla.. OmerReal Life Omerta Ga.. Onverse Real Life Onverse, .. Orde& Chaos Online Fantasy Gameloft Origins Oalu Fantasy Burning D.. Origins Return Sci-Fi Virtual D.. Orion's Belt Sci-Fi Pedro San.. OtherlanSci-Fi RealU OutwaSci-Fi Rampid In.. Overkings Fantasy Overkings.. Oz Online Fantasy OZ Interm.. Pandora Saga Fantasy Atlus Onl.. Parallel Kingdom Fantasy PerBlue Path of Exile Fantasy Grinding .. PathfindeOnline Fantasy Goblinwor.. 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RaiderZ Fantasy MAIET Ent.. Rakion Fantasy Softnyx RAN Online Real Life Min Commu.. Rappelz Fantasy NFlavo RappelzSEA Fantasy Gala Lab Realm of the Mad GoFantasy Wild Shad.. Realm of the Titans Fantasy Aeria Gam.. Realms Online Fantasy ngd Studi.. Red Stone FantaaL.. Red War: Edem's Curse Fantasy Graze Regnum Online Fantasy ngd Studi.. Remnant Knights Fantasy Min Commu.. Renaissance: The Chronicle.. Fantasy 3D Magicb.. Repulse Sci-Fi Aeria Gam.. Requiem: Bloodymare HorroGravity I.. RF Online Sci-Fi CCR, Inc. Rift Fantasy Trion Wor RiotZone Historical Mail.Ru G.. Rise Sci-Fi Unistella.. Rise of Dragonian Era Fantasy NetGame Rise of Empire Historical ZCXZ Rise of Immortals Fantasy Petroglyp.. Rising of King Fantasy Yeepgame Rivality Real Life FunRock M.. Roblox Real Life Roblox Rock Real Life Acclaim Rohan: Blood FeuFantasy YNK Games Role Play Worlds Fantasy AlteEar.. RoRock Fantasy Aeria Gam.. Romadoria Historical Looki ROSE Online Fantasy Gravity I.. ROSH Online Fantasy Galaxy Ga.. 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Silkroad Online Fantasy Joymax Skyblade: Sword of the Hea.. Fantasy Magics Co.. SmashMuck Champions Sports Kiz Studi.. SMITE Fantasy Hi-Rez St.. Smoo Online Fantasy Neojac En.. Soul MasteFantasy NPLUTO Soul of the Ultimate Natio.. Fantasy Webzen In.. Soul OrdeOnline Fantasy Mira Game Spellcasters: The Last Mag.. Fantasy Overdose .. Sphere Fantasy Nikita Spiral Knights Fantasy Three Rin.. Spirit Tales Fantasy X-Legenunknown Splash Fighters Fantasy CyberSte Squad Wars Sci-Fi END Games.. StaCorsairs Sci-Fi Machine 2.. StaLegends Sci-Fi Spacetime.. StaSonata Sci-Fi StaSona.. StaSupremacy Sci-Fi Barbily I.. StaTrek Online Sci-Fi Cryptic S StaTrek: Infinite Space Sci-Fi Keen Game.. StaWars: Clone Wars Adve.. Sci-Fi Sony Onli.. StaWars: The Old Republi.. Sci-Fi BioWare Starport: Galactic Empires Sci-Fi PlayTecht.. StarQuest Online Sci-Fi Castle Th.. SteelWaOnline Fantasy PopPace E.. Stone AFantasy DigiPark Storybricks Fantasy Storybric Stronghold Kingdoms Fantasy Firefly S.. Sudden Attack Real Life GameHi Supremacy 1914 Historical Bytro Lab.. Supreme Destiny Fantasy Terra ICT Sword 2: Revelations Fantasy IMC Games Sword Girls Fantasy Zeonix Swords of Heavens Fantasy Nineyou I.. SwordX Fantasy Universe .. Taikodom Sci-Fi Hoplon In.. Tales of Fantasy Fantasy Lingo Sof.. Tales of Pirates Fantasy Moliyo Tales of Pirates II Fantasy MOLI Co.,.. Tales RunneSports Rhaon Ent.. Talisman Online Fantasy Miracle C.. TameSaga Fantasy PopPace E.. Tantra Online Fantasy JoyImpact.. Tatsumaki: Land at WaHistorical Eyes Out .. TERA Fantasy Bluehole .. Terra Militaris Historical Snail Gam.. Terra WorlFantasy TerraNovi.. Thang Online Fantasy Jaca Ente.. The 4th Coming Fantasy Dialsoft The EldeScrolls Online Fantasy Zenimax O.. The Legend oi2 Fantasy Wemade En.. The Missing Ink Fantasy RedBedlam The Mummy Online Fantasy Bigpoint The Pride of Taern Fantasy Whitemoon The Realm Online Fantasyrseman .. The Repopulation Sci-Fi Above and.. The Secret WorlReal Life Funcom The Stratagems Historical Joyfort E.. The Warlords Historical NetDragon.. There Real Life Makena Te.. Tibia Fantasy CipSo Tibia Micro Edition Fantasy CipSo Titan Siege Fantasy Chengdu S.. ToSpeeSports ICE Enter.. TorchligFantasy Runic Gam.. Transformers Universe Sci-Fi Jagex Gam.. TravelleASci-Fi Ingz, In.. Travian Historical Travian G.. Tribal Hero Historical Giuliano .. Tribal Wars Historical InnoGames.. Tribes: AscenSci-Fi Hi-Rez St.. TricksteOnline Fantasy NTREEV So.. Twelve Sky Fantasy ALT1 Twelve SFantasy ALT1 Tynon Fantasy uCool, In.. U.B. Funkeys Fantasy Arkadium UFO Online Sci-Fi Funatics Ultima Forever: Quest fo.. Fantasy BioWare M.. Ultima Online Fantasy EA Mythic Ultimate SocceBoss Sports MMOABC Uncharted Waters Online Real Life TECMO KOE.. Underlight Fantasy Ixios Dev.. Unification Wars Sci-Fi Gamestota.. Valhyre Fantasy Duck's De.. Valkyrie Sky Fantasy Yolim Ent.. Vampire Lord Online HorroInsightso.. Vanguard: Saga of Heroes Fantasy Sony Onli Vanilla Gate Fantasy Inixsoft Vanquish Space Sci-Fi Rockon Ga.. VectoCity Racers Sports VectoEn.. Vendetta Online Sci-Fi Guild Sof.. Victory - Age of Racing Sports Vae Victi.. Vindictus Fantasy devCAT Virtonomics Economics Game.. Real Life Gamerflo.. Visions of Zosimos Fantasy ForeveI.. Voyage Century Historical Snail Gam.. Wakfu Fantasy Ankama St War of 2012 Fantasy Beijing Z.. War of Angels Fantasy NJ Intera War of Legends Historical Jagex Gam.. War of the Immortals Fantasy Perfect W.. War of Thrones Fantasy Voomga WaRock Real Life Dream Exe.. Waren Story Fantasy Alt1 Game.. WarFlow Fantasy Aiyou Net.. Wargame1942 Historical Playzo Warhamme40K: Dark Millen.. Sci-Fi Vigil Gam.. WarhammeOnline: Age of R.. Fantasy Mythic En.. WarhammeOnline: Wrath of.. Fantasy BioWare M.. Warkeepers Sci-Fi SkyDreams.. WarrioEpic Fantasy Possibili.. Wild West Online: Gunfight.. Historical Tenderfoo.. WildStaSci-Fi Carbine Wind SlayeFantasy Hamelin, .. 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