04-09-2012, 04:57 PM
6) Beyond the Desert
For Beyond the Desert you start unlocking the armaments. These are just the white ones which cannot be upgraded, but they are enough to get you through the Lost Temple map, so you can farm these and forget about the blue, green and yellow ones if you like.
While doing this map you can slowly start recruiting heimdall, once you unlock them start training/washing them slowly, remember that you won’t use them until much later, so focus on your main heroes. If you have 3 Ares Armor you can start farming a Mjollnir from Forseti. After that continuing farming Ares armour, however you should easily get them from legion drops.
Beyond the Desert can be finished really fast if you have Nereus fully trained. Get both red mount max, and get more gems for enchants.
This map is very easy until the last 4 NPC. I complete without armaments and M48. But with M50 and armaments it should be very easy. Up till now, Cronus and Eris should be near max valor wash, Eurybia, lotis and Nereus should be near max spirit wash.
Rank: M50 for easy completion.
Armour 2289(+24) 1877, 1877 , 1566 1221
Mount- 6590 (+24) 6565 (+24)
Cloak- average 1200
Horn- 1030 300 230 230 230
Lotis G12(9) +124 spirit
Nereus G12(7) +116 spirit
Eurybia G13(4) +113 Spirit
Heimdall G11(9) +55 valor
Eris G12(9) +102 valor
Thoosa G12(7) +98 valor
Cronus G12(10) +118 valor
Amphitrite G12(2) +49 valor
Hard NPCs:
Sati- http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201111252039237
Sekhmet- http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201111271864308
Selket- http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201111271873078
Edjo- http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201111273754254