04-09-2012, 04:58 PM
7) Valkyries Rage
For valkyries rage, once Edjo is down, you should have easily cleared till Thrud. However, what rest behind is an absolute nightmare with hildr being the worst. Skuld is relatively easy due to the fact that she don’t have a dodger and no mage. 1 bugler with 4 BM is the easier formation a map NPC can have. However, her valor hit alone can easily reap apart any armour. Once you reach valk rage, you need a max second ares armour, also valor enchant come into play to minimize Skuld damage. With the introduction of armaments, Valkyries Rage should be that tough anymore.
Just do the follow steps
1. Up your assembly to level 117 (not 120 as laurels is sacred unless you can farm EGL)
2. Up all your tech to level 117 and all your mount.
3. Do 5 gardens if possible to get as many gems as possible
4. Use Plenty enchant as I personally find it most worthwhile till now.
Rank: M50 is mandatory
Eris- G14(5) valor +132
Cronus- G14(2) valor + 127 (a weapon that +14)
Thoosa- G12(5) valor +98
Lotis- G13(6) Spirit + 128
Nereus- G13(8) Spirit +130
Eurybia G14(3) Spirit +113
Heimdal G13(6) Valor +55
Armour- 2667 (+30) 2667 (+29) 1877 1877 1566
Mount 6996 (+29) 6971(+29)
Cloak (same as before)
4 Armament +500 fac +200 VS +100 ES +500 SH
Hard NPCs:
http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201112281695701 – Hildr
http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201112282073674 – Skuld
For valkyries rage, once Edjo is down, you should have easily cleared till Thrud. However, what rest behind is an absolute nightmare with hildr being the worst. Skuld is relatively easy due to the fact that she don’t have a dodger and no mage. 1 bugler with 4 BM is the easier formation a map NPC can have. However, her valor hit alone can easily reap apart any armour. Once you reach valk rage, you need a max second ares armour, also valor enchant come into play to minimize Skuld damage. With the introduction of armaments, Valkyries Rage should be that tough anymore.
Just do the follow steps
1. Up your assembly to level 117 (not 120 as laurels is sacred unless you can farm EGL)
2. Up all your tech to level 117 and all your mount.
3. Do 5 gardens if possible to get as many gems as possible
4. Use Plenty enchant as I personally find it most worthwhile till now.
Rank: M50 is mandatory
Eris- G14(5) valor +132
Cronus- G14(2) valor + 127 (a weapon that +14)
Thoosa- G12(5) valor +98
Lotis- G13(6) Spirit + 128
Nereus- G13(8) Spirit +130
Eurybia G14(3) Spirit +113
Heimdal G13(6) Valor +55
Armour- 2667 (+30) 2667 (+29) 1877 1877 1566
Mount 6996 (+29) 6971(+29)
Cloak (same as before)
4 Armament +500 fac +200 VS +100 ES +500 SH
Hard NPCs:
http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201112281695701 – Hildr
http://b31.clapalong.com/?fid=N201112282073674 – Skuld