08-16-2012, 05:00 PM
Method we use for jel gow on euro s1 (not sure who figured it out, provided to me by Shimy1 eus1 and s19)
Defeat Nut
march token
defeat Isis
defeat Osiris
defeat Seth
faster token
defeat Geb
Sweep token
defeat Shu
defeat Anubis
defeat Ra
pos 1 can afford 1 to 2 replen depending on how seperated npc's are, pos 2 preferably no replens needed, so preferably past elf, as a bm build, or at elf if solid mage build (solid mage build that just defeated elf minutes before is wat i tested with in pos 2, hardly took a scratch)
needs a fair bit of strength, but if u gotr it, super superr easy gow, a gd 10 seconds odd to spare each time
Hope this helps
Defeat Nut
march token
defeat Isis
defeat Osiris
defeat Seth
faster token
defeat Geb
Sweep token
defeat Shu
defeat Anubis
defeat Ra
pos 1 can afford 1 to 2 replen depending on how seperated npc's are, pos 2 preferably no replens needed, so preferably past elf, as a bm build, or at elf if solid mage build (solid mage build that just defeated elf minutes before is wat i tested with in pos 2, hardly took a scratch)
needs a fair bit of strength, but if u gotr it, super superr easy gow, a gd 10 seconds odd to spare each time
Hope this helps
