05-27-2013, 10:29 AM
Epimetheus: b23.clapalong.com/?fid=N201305271979951
Palaemon: b23.clapalong.com/?fid=N201305272750115
2nd red armor upgraded to (G6)6 for Epimetheus, (G6)7 for Palaemon. M47
This is the end, and I really mean it this time because Tantalos and Aphrodite are both way overpowered.
Palaemon: b23.clapalong.com/?fid=N201305272750115
2nd red armor upgraded to (G6)6 for Epimetheus, (G6)7 for Palaemon. M47
This is the end, and I really mean it this time because Tantalos and Aphrodite are both way overpowered.