02-07-2013, 08:16 AM
(02-07-2013, 03:17 AM)Kazneth Wrote: About degrades...things are very simple for me at least. I.E: if you fail 100 times on Orph's Mourn to reach G6, you will need 107 arms (100 fails, 1 G0 and 6 succeses). If you have a degrade, nº of fails won't change (although that's what people think), so you will need 108 arms to reach G6...wasting only 1 arm and 90 gems. That's the result of a degrade...not too bad if you think, but it's useless 'cause doesn't grow arm's fort (neither goes down). Addind to the topic...I've 3-4 teammates that DOESN'T have a success on the next try to upgrade the degraded arm...it takes a few more fails (like 10)it only successfully upgrades if u have the required fails.